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Guitar Wiring and Electronics Class – Upgrades & Custom Modifications

The Wiring Class is designed to give an overview on the common guitar circuit and it’s components. With instruction on proper soldering technique, I lead you through the process of replacing pickups, pots, switches and more.

We will begin with Video Presentation outlining how to properly wire a Fender style guitar cleanly for great sound. Following the DVD showing, we will will fill the room full of solder smoke! Replace your pickups and controls, or install a modified circuit. This is a basic overview on guitar electronics and it is designed for those with little or no soldering experience.

Class Overview:

  • How the pickups and electronic components function
  • Basic soldering technique
  • Using a multimeter
  • Wiring a Strat
  • How a volume control works
  • How a tone control works
  • Treble bypass cap
  • Reverse-wind, reverse-polarity
  • How a Strat circuit works
  • Wiring and shielding a Tele
  • Les Paul wiring and more

The Class Invites You to Bring in Your Own Projects

Examples of what you can do in this class include:

  • Replace/upgrade your pickups
  • Replace/upgrade your pots, switches, jack
  • Add custom switching for coil-tapping, series/parallel, in-phase/out-of-phase
  • Shield your guitar
  • Add a 5-way Rotary control for 5 different filtered tones
  • Add 50’s wiring mod to your Gibson
  • Add a Esquire Mod to your Tele
  • Tone Cap upgrade (change over to Orange Drop, oil-filled etc)
  • Add a Treble Bleed Mod

Due to the time allotted, please check with me on projects that fall outside of these guidelines. Please note: I do not supply wiring diagrams.

Approx. 3-4 Hours

What You’ll Need for the Class:

  • Your Guitar
  • A towel or mat to lay your guitar on (we will be using tables)
  • A cloth or rag to protect your guitar while soldering
  • **Name brand (Weller) 30W-40W pencil style Soldering Iron with a brand new tip
  • A small cellulose sponge for cleaning your solder iron
  • Fine electronic grade (22 gauge/ .032″), 60/40 rosin-core solder
  • Desoldering braid can be helpful
  • Tweezers and a X-acto Knife are helpful but not mandatory
  • Wire Strippers, Wire Cutters
  • Any tools needed to remove any of the components being changed (sockets/wrenches/ screwdrivers)
  • A “Third-Hand” will make your life easier but is not mandatory
  • Any parts & supplies you will be using for your project- make sure they fit in your guitar beforehand!
  • A wiring diagram for your layout (freely available on the internet)

*Note that materials/supplies may be available for purchase in class. Please contact for more information.
**No-name soldering irons generally found on Amazon that are inexpensive have been a cause of problems for many students. Do not buy!! 

For common wiring diagrams, visit:








  1. Really interested in such a class/classes. I have both Strats and Gibsons, and regularly swap out pickups through my guitar tech’ – but really want to understand how all these aspects work and come together – and have the knowledge and confidence to do these things myself at home. (I live in Newport, by the way). Obviously we are in Covid times – but subject to that – can you give me details of what classes/tuition you can hive me, likely times – and cost – as and when some degree of normality comes back to enable you to run this? When I have an idea when this could start – I can begin pulling together the gear listed above for the clases!
    Simon Morgan (M; 07875935114)

  2. Oh, forgive me – what an idiot! I read this as being “Blackwood Guitars” – roughly 15 miles away here in South Wales, UK!
    My apologies – but also massively disappointed!

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